When we first told the kids that we were going to New York, they didn't ask if they were going to see the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building. The first thing Caitlyn asked was if we were going to the American Girl Store. So of course, this was a HUGE event and I must admit one of the highlights of the trip for me too.
We started our experience with afternoon tea on the 3rd floor in the American Girl cafe. We had our friends Greta and Christiana with us (who live in NY) and of course Jana and Emilie. This cafe was a sight to behold. The theme was carried out beautifully in black, white and pink. The dolls had a place of honor at the table with their own special highchairs. When we sat down Caitlyn said, "This is the best day of my life!" She was so excited and really "ate it up." The dolls were even given their own tea cups and saucers.
After tea, we spent hours looking through all three floors and myriads of overpriced accessories, outfits and paraphenalia. They even had their own hair salon. Hannah and Julie (our 2 AGs)were in dire need of a trip to the salon and got quite the treatment. I will not confess how much I spent on this, but I will say that Caitlyn spent her own hard earned money for a mini-facial for each of them as well as a very special outfit.
I can imagine that the workers in this store have seen some very spoiled little girls go through there that weren't denied a single pleasure. But for Caitlyn, she knew that if she wanted to purchase anything, it would be out of her own hard earned cash. She would see the price tag on items and be blown away by how expensive it was. As a result, we didn't fight or have pout-y spells, because she knew this going in. It was fun for me to help her make the best possible purchase. She decided on a flower girl outfit (for $30) and a set of earrings (for $7).
I seriously enjoyed myself at the store! Maybe it was because I could imagine myself at 8 years old again and enjoying this as much as Caitlyn did! But even more so, it was the pleasure of providing my daughter this one small desire of her heart. Sadly, one day she'll outgrow Julie and Hannah, but I hope she'll always remember how special this day was and that we got to share it together.